Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Excuses, Excuses

So there's been a measurable gap since the last time I posted.  The reason for this being, I am a little discouraged.  For a couple different reasons really.
  1. My camera's broken. (Not the best time to start a blog, I know)
  2. I feel like my blog is off the grid.
  3. I'm getting increasingly lazy.
I do have a few solutions though.  I did call the 'geek squad' and they have promised me a new battery for my camera soon, which results in me having some of my own photo's to publish. That's one snake out of the way.

And if it was instead replaced with one of these? Well I think that would be just fine with me.

As for my blog not getting much traffic, I'm at a bit of a loss.  Really I don't know how I should get it out there, without looking like some crazed publicist, throwing my blog name at people. So if you have any tips on how you got a little screen time, feel free to comment. I would love it if you did actually(:

The lazy issue, I guess this is more of a personal trait than anything else. I have been exercising and eating breakfast, so who knows maybe that will spike my energy right up. Of course I could always resort to sugar.  We'll just have to see with this one.

Sorry for complaining a bit, but it seemed necessary.  If you like my blog:comment/follow/recommend.


  1. I understand!!!
    It seems like there's "certain" blogs that get all the attention. I found your blog when I saw a comment you had left on a blog I follow. I started my blog last June and it has SLOWLY grown. I keep reminding myself I do it because I love it. I'm grateful for the followers I have- I know most by name and appreciate their generous feedback. I may not have 65,000 followers or 4,000 comments on each of my blog posts like some bloggers.
    I saw something another blogger had once written about being discouraged regarding followers. I remind myself often what she said: quantity is NOT always quality. I don't want to have a bunch of "followers" that sign up to follow my blog and then never read my blog again. I'd rather have sincere followers who enjoy my blog and return every time I put up a new post.
    Keep blogging!!!!!
    Shannon :-)

    1. Thanks for the encouragement! It's very easy to feel like the underdog, you just have to get back with the right attitude I guess. I really appreciate your input as well. And I agree completely with what you said about having quality over quantity. I would hate getting to the point of just throwing out frequent skimpy posts because I feel that I have to do it.
      It will be quite a process gaining some credibility around here, but I am planning to try my best(:
      Thank you so much!
